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for Up to Date Rates
Our Green fee rates follow a demand-based pricing model that is being increasingly adopted in the golf industry. We are all familiar with this model in the airline and hotel industries. Pricing adjusts – both lower and higher – in real-time based on demand, availability, and other factors. Combined with our new Daily Deals Program, there is a better opportunity to find the Right rate and the Right time for you.
Play a round of golf after 6pm and one child (15 & under) plays free, with a paid adult. Call the Pro Shop to reserve. Offer valid Friday-Sunday.
The best way to save on tee times at Lake Forest is here. Every day, we are offering a limited number of specially-priced tee times through our website. Simply click the “daily deals” icon on our website to browse today’s deals. once they’re gone – they’re gone – so don’t miss out!